It was a day out in Ireland’s capital, Dublin, it’s s home to 593,000 people.
Ireland is one of the leading economies in Europe. Luxembourg, Ireland, and Switzerland, lead the list of Europe's richest nations by per capita GDP, all above $100,000. Three Nordic countries (Norway, Denmark, Finland) also place highly, between $70,000-90,000. Meanwhile, Europe's biggest economies, Germany, UK, and France hover around $50,000
I was expecting Dublin to be a wealthy flourishing place, in parts it is. In others, lots of abandoned pubs and shops. A few homeless on the street.
I checked out some of the sites, went for a Guinness in reportedly the oldest pub in Ireland and took the bus back to camp.
Tomorrow I’m up at the crack of dawn to catch the ferry back to England.

I was up at the crack of dawn, packed up camp, and headed off down to the Dublin port. I’d spent some of yesterday cleaning the worst of the grime off James. Within 5 minutes on the motorway it started to rain, typical. It was only a passing shower.
On the ferry I met a biker from the Czech Republic. An interesting guy. He could speak fluent Russian, from the days Czechoslovakia was in the Eastern block.